Von 5. bis 12. MÀrz durften die 7. Klassen noch eine sehr schöne Sprachreise in Bray, Irland erleben.
The Bray trip was awesome. It was something new, especially for me, because I usually spend my holidays in Vienna or the countries near Austria. I really like the beauty of Irish nature. Thatâs why Glendalough was my favourite trip and I recommend it to everybody who is thinking about a trip to Ireland.
Bray is a very lovely town, and a walk by the sea was my favourite part of the evening. Spending time in a pub, with Irish music and friends is probably what I will miss the most about Bray. The school we stayed in was small, but enough space for a small group like ours. Studying with the funny and well-prepared teachers was real craic, and I am not lying!
Irish dancing was something new for me, we learned just a little bit of the basic, but it was still interesting and funny to dance with the whole class, and even the teachers took part.
What I really didnât enjoy was the bus traffic, but I think that the citizens of Ireland hate it, too, so never mind.
The best thing about Dublin were the pubs and small streets, but sadly we didnât have enough time to visit all the beautiful places there.
Kilkenny Castle is the place which I photographed the most. There were so many things that made me feel like I had travelled back a few centuries in a time machine.
All in all, the whole trip was much better than expected and I am happy that I was there. I hope that I will be able to visit Ireland again.
– Amel Bakic, 7B
Alle Beteiligten sind froh und dankbar, dass diese einmalige Reise noch stattfinden konnte und auch alle wieder problemlos und gesund nach Hause gekommen sind.
Hier ein paar EindrĂŒcke der Reise:
- Dog Racing
- Cliff Walk
- Bray Beach
- Bowling
- Kilkenny Castle
- Kilkenny Castle
- Sheep dog presentation
- sheep dog presentation
- sheep dog presentation
- sheep dog presentation
- Glendalough
- Glendalough
- Irish Dancing
- Dublin
- Dublin
- PACE Language School